Breckenridge News by Sondra Gaunt

The most interesting local buzz concerns Breckenridge Township rather than the city proper, and seems to have started when Buster McIntyre retired as grader man and all round fix-it guru at the beginning of the year. At the township meeting, the decision was made to post the opening and take applications, and indeed, the February meeting was the time for interviews and a candidate was chosen. He said he hadn't been on a grader for a number of years, and later that week, one of the shorter country roads close to town was chosen for practice. It didn't go well and phones were buzzing. But then, things went from bad to worse. It seems that parking the machine in the garage is no easy feat. The door is on the alley side of the building and somehow the side of the doorway was damaged, and before the whole thing was done, a part of the wall on the street side was pushed out. A township meeting was held that night. It seems there is a job opening. Buster did agree to fill in temporarily but he has plans and adventures to pursue. Raymond Johnston is the man to contact.
The Breckenridge R-I Board of Education held its regular meeting on February 8, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the FACS room. President Terri Adams called the meeting to order. Both the meeting agenda and the consent agenda were approved.
Mr. Skinner reported to the board that no transfer from the money market account (MMA) was necessary for the month. He reported that local revenue had been coming in at a rate consistent with past trends. The district had incurred higher than expected expenses in two areas. There had been bus repairs and boiler repairs that had to be done this year. The mild winter has saved some heating costs, along with lower LP gas costs. The district has had two Saturday morning ACT prep workshops for the high school students. This has been well attended and beneficial. There are four more sessions planned. The district has ordered new elementary basketball jerseys. The Bulldog Club is paying for half of the cost. They are reversible jerseys. The district received a complimentary report from MSHSAA for play during basketball at Pattonsburg. The report reads: “The Breckenridge boys’ team displayed outstanding sportsmanship during a game that was well out of hand as far as the score goes. Even though they were losing badly, they showed great poise in allowing an opponent to score a special basket. Both teams played well together with no negative incidents during a game in which the teams were not evenly matched. …Chuck Gates”
During the new business part of the meeting, the board approved the school calendar for the coming year. There are 175 school days in the calendar. Mr. Skinner reported to the board about the federal program review. This tiered monitoring process is a new three year cycle of review by DESE. He also reported on the special education monitoring cycle too. The district is going through file reviews now. The current school calendar has been updated to reflect May 16, 2016 as the last day. This is because of the day out due to the boiler repair. The board had a discussion on auditor services. The board voted to ask for a release from the current accounting firm of Lockridge, Constant, and Conrad. They also voted to enter into an agreement with the firm of Conrad and Higgins, LLC. Mr. Skinner stated that he and Mr. Fry would be having discussions with the New York school district about a cooperative arrangement with them for junior high basketball and track for the next school year. The board had a preliminary discussion on next year’s budget. The ballot for the April election will have incumbents Rachel Boehm and Monica Allred for 3 year terms and no candidate for the 2 year term.
The next meeting will be March 14, 2016.


February 29: Elementary BB at Bishop Hogan at 6 p.m.

March 1: Elementary at SW at 6 p.m.

March 3: 5th Breckenridge Elementary BB Tournament

March 7: 11th Elementary BB Tournament at Bishop Hogan

March 14: 19th Elementary BB Tournament at SW

Girl Scout Troop 515 meets first and third Wednesdays of each month. Contact Lisa Gray at 707-5365 for more information.

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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