Representative Randy Railsback's Capitol Report
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo – It has been a rainy week in Northwest Missouri, but that hasn’t stopped us from being busy and getting work done. While I’ve been back in the district this week, I’ve spent my time assisting constituents, preparing for committee meetings, and working on preparations for the Little Otter Creek Reservoir groundbreaking ceremony.
This groundbreaking is a culmination of thirty years of hard work and persistence. United in one goal, past and present County Commissioners have worked with the Regional Planning Commission, citizens of Caldwell County, and elected officials at the state and federal level to make this project a reality. The reservoir will be the primary water source for Caldwell County, and provide up to 1.2 million gallons of water per day for county residents and businesses. It will also provide recreational and flood control benefits. This project is funded primarily through federal funds provided by the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service; other funds will come from Caldwell County’s 0.5% sales tax and State of Missouri budget appropriations.
The groundbreaking event will take place on Friday, March 19th at the future dam site on Cottonwood Road east of Hamilton. As the emcee, I look forward to attending this historic event and would like to congratulate the Caldwell County Commission for their hard work in making this happen.
Monday after the groundbreaking, legislators will head back to Jefferson City to finish out the 2021 legislative session and our primary focus will be on the FY22 budget. I will also be presenting one of my bills to the Rural Community Development Committee, and am looking forward to moving that bill through the legislative process before Session ends in May.
As always, it’s an honor and pleasure to serve you. Please feel free to contact my office if I can ever be of assistance by calling 573-751-0246 or email me at
Randy Railsback
State Representative