Jay Ashcroft running for Missouri Secretary of State

Republican Lincoln Day held in Hamilton

Richard Lee hosted the Republican Lincoln Days dinner on Saturday. The Cameron Ukulele Club was the entertainment for the evening and Peggy Cole prepared the delicious dinner.

There were many political aides attending the meeting representing their candidates. Among those being represented were Roy Blunt, running for State Senator; Sam Graves for State Representative; Eric Smith for State Treasurer; Will Kraus for Secretary of State; Lieutenant Governor candidates, Bev Randles and Mike Parson; four candidates for Missouri Governor, Eric Greitens, Catherine Hanaway, Peter Kinder and John Brunner; Denny Hoskins for State Senate and Jay Ashcroft for Secretary of State.

Jay Ashcroft, running for Missouri Secretary of State, was the keynote speaker of this year’s event. Ashcroft said the most important thing in a candidate is an individual of character and integrity that understands the purpose of government and who will stand up for their beliefs. He emphasized that the purpose of government is to secure and enhance personal freedom and individual liberty. Ashcroft said that too many well intended people go to Jefferson City, to Washington DC and to local governments and they think they know best how to run your life. “We see it with Common Core, we see it with excessive regulations, we see it with the Department of Natural Resources working hand-in-hand with the EPA and telling you how to use your land. We need individuals that will stand up for that and the proposition that you know best how to run your life,” said Ashcroft. He also spoke for fairness in elections and supported photo ID at the voting booths.

Denny Hoskins, running for State Senate also was present. He let it be known that he was a Certified Public Accountant. He is pro-gun, pro-life, pro-AG and sponsored the “Get Big Government Off My Back Act,” or no new rules or regulations on our small businesses. He believes in getting the DNR and EPA off of our family farms and the Dept. of Revenue out of our small businesses.

After endorsements and speeches were made, drawings were held for the door prizes and winners were as follows: 2 portable chairs and a cooler were won by Maggie Scott; Phyllis Robinson and Martha Raines won flags for being the oldest attendees; the rifle was won by J. Johnson; and flags were won by Bev Alden, Leonard Feil, Dale Schmidt, and Tom Chapman.

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text)


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