
Pictured: 4-6 Month: Graham Wiederholt, son of Kala and Will Wiederholt and Caden Zorn, son of Elissa and Eric Zorn; 1-Year Old: Addilynn Hughes, daughter of Leeza Siddoway and Derrick Hughes; 0-3 Months: Olive Stark, daughter of Lacy and Guy Stark; and 2 Years Old: Sally Williams, daughter of Ty and Jamie Williams; Sam Williams is sitting on Santa's lap.
As there were not enough contestants under each age category, all babies were winners at the Christmas Pajama Baby Show.   
Braymer Baptist Church - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - 10 p.m. Braymer Christian Church Children's Program and Candlelighting Service, Sunday, Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.   Braymer United Methodist Church Christmas Eve Service at 7 p.m.   Hamilton Federated Church - Children's Christmas Program - 6 p.m...
The city of Kidder held a special meeting November 19 to address issues concerning the city. The main purpose was to interview candidates to fill the vacancy of alderman. Ray Carlton, Dave McEwen and Amanda Nolker were the three applicants. When asked why he wanted to be on the council, Ray Carlton...
Last week, when the House passed reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act (ESEA), the Wall Street Journal wrote that it was the "largest devolution of federal control" in 25 years. The bill which the Senate should pass tomorrow replaces No Child Left Behind, gives authority back...
The price of eggs, which this year hit an all-time high of nearly $4 per dozen, is coming down as poultry producers rebound from a devastating outbreak of avian flu. “The estimates are somewhere near 50 million total birds lost to the disease. About half of these were egg layers,” said Jeffre...
Angry landlords attended this week’s Board of Alderman meeting in Hamilton to discuss the enforcement of a State statute that had laid dormant for many years and was recently brought to life. The statute required landlords to cover the cost of unpaid water/sewer bills of tenants who had left the...
At their monthly Board of Aldermen meeting the City of Kingston signed a contract with Green Hills Telephone to allow an easement for the company to lay fiber optics. Customers will have an option to choose between Green Hills and Century Link for high speed internet, phone and TV service. If they...
Hamilton Christmas Expo
Hamilton had a good turn out for their Christmas Expo on Saturday. There were 26 vendors, one as far away as Lineville, IA. Baked goods, homemade soaps, wreaths, scarfs and jewelry and educational books were just a few of the crafts that were displayed.  Santa and Mrs. Claus visited the expo and...
Mrs. Claus reads to the children at the JC Penney Expo.
Mrs. Claus read "The Night Before Christmas" while the kids enjoyed Cookies (donated by Peggy Cole) and Milk at the JC Penney Expo Saturday.
CAMERON, Mo. – One lane of westbound U.S. Route 36 is now closed at the Interstate 35 overpass in Cameron. Crews from the Missouri Department of Transportation closed the westbound driving lane this afternoon for pavement repairs. Once repairs are completed in the driving lane, they will move to...


The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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