Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

     The issues affecting us were on my mind as I woke this morning.  Many decisions have been made in a very short period of time, and will affect us for years to come.  Most of them are being made by a hand-full of people.  Some of the issues are world-wide in scope; while others only affect us locally.

     As I think about these issues, and the decisions that affect our lives, I realize that our freedoms have been greatly infringed upon.  It is “scary” when we consider what the impact of these decisions will be upon this, and future generations.  Think of what our young people are facing with the decision to cancel public schools.  Specifically, think of those children in families where both parents have been working away from home during the day.  Who will be supervising and supporting these children during the day?  Think of those adults who have families to support, and their employers have shut-down their business.

     This past week, we faced a major decision regarding the manner in which we typically worship the Lord on the Sabbath day.  We have been told that “no groups larger than 10 persons should meet together”.  So, the question was: “Shall we not have church for the next several weeks?”

     It appears to me that we need to seriously reflect upon our focus and priorities in life.  Have we totally forgotten that the Lord God Almighty is still the same unchangeable God: “all-powerful”, and “all-knowing”?  Consider the scriptures which tell about the Israelites traversing across the wilderness with their flocks, and had no water to drink.  Read Exodus 17:1-6 and Numbers 20:1-11.  Is the Lord God not able to provide the protection we need at this time against this virus?

     Furthermore, think of the uncertainties we now face in the economic realm.  And, couple with that the affects upon the political scene.

     Let us unite in prayer to our God for His protective hand over us.


Cloyce Coffman

Stewartsville, MO

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text)


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