Sam Williams of the Achievers 4-H Club grew these sugar snap peas that are being judged by Bud Motsinger.Several creative cakes were on display waiting to be judged on Saturday.

4-H Judging Day held on Saturday

4-H Judging Day was held on Saturday in Kingston at the Nazerene Church.

There are three 4-H clubs in Caldwell County: Braymer Pleasant Hill Hustlers, the Hamilton Achievers, and the Polo Trailblazers.

In Missouri 4-H we believe in...

Head - Clearer Thinking by promoting character, maintaining excellence, and upholding the mission and honored programmatic traditions of 4-H.

Hands - Larger Service by encouraging meaningful, positive youth adult partnerships, community service, and engagement.

Heart - Greater Loyalty by embracing diversity and inclusion while encouraging and supporting innovation, youth leadership, and futures.

Health - Better Living by supporting youth to become healthy, respectful, and productive members of society.

For more pictures, see this week's edition of the Caldwell County News!


The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 660-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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