Breckenridge News by Sondra Gaunt

Time goes on here in Breckenridge and we go with it. It seems most of us here were out watching the recent eclipse. It was the most spectacular eclipse I'd seen in years, not to mention the evening was lovely and the timing easily accessible. As an afterthought, I regreted not having planned a gathering around the event.
The lp leak a while back had residents in west Breckenridge evacuating. During the switching of tanks at the home of Jim and Ashley Thompson a malfunction released the gas. Sirens alerted the populace and the problem was soon under control.
Mark and Linda Gaines were successful in the recent auction held here in town and are the new owners of the Baptist Parsonage on Sixth Street.
There are still several for sale signs on homes around town. The condition of Broadway on the 'business block' recently caused quite a kerfuffle on Facebook...mostly by people who wanted to fuss not fix as seems to be pretty much the way of the world these days. Those individuals might be pleased to know that a bit of tidying up has to be done. I haven't noticed any fb posts relating to that.
And this from Supt. Skinner:
The Breckenridge R-I Board of education had its regular meeting on September 14, 2015 in the FACS room. Vice President Larry Gray called the meeting to order as President Terri Adams was absent. The agenda and consent agenda were both approved.
The board heard an update from Athletic Director Ed Fry. Mr. Fry reported on the status of both varsity and junior high sports. Junior high will have a girls’ basketball but not a boys’ basketball team. Varsity will field both boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. He also gave an update on the junior high football co-op with Braymer and Polo. This arrangement is working out well. Ms. Lauren Wingate currently serves as senior class sponsor. She gave the board a report on senior trip and senior class related activities.
Mr. Skinner gave a brief update on the annual audit. He reported that this had gone very well. The board decided not to pursue membership with MOREnet for the time being. The board said that if there became a need in the foreseeable future, the district would pay membership at that time.
The board also discussed 2015 MAP and EOC scores. Mr. Skinner told the board that DESE had issued the district its financial balance letter. He informed them that the district had received confirmation that the tax rate for the current year had been reviewed and approved by the State Auditor’s Office.