Kingston signs contract with GH Telephone
At their monthly Board of Aldermen meeting the City of Kingston signed a contract with Green Hills Telephone to allow an easement for the company to lay fiber optics. Customers will have an option to choose between Green Hills and Century Link for high speed internet, phone and TV service. If they choose to go with Green Hills they would be able to keep their current phone number. Completion of the project is estimated to be in March of 2016. There will be no cost to the city and a franchise tax will be collected which will bring the city some income.
All board members were present for the meeting along with Mayor Stone, City Clerk, Debbie Fleming and Water/Sewer Superintendent, David Bethel.
Debbie announced that the city would have an election again in April and the filing dates will be from Dec. 15 through Jan. 19. Carl, Jerry and Chester’s terms are expiring.
David Bethel, said this was the first month in a while that the city had money left over after paying the bills. When asked about a bill from Lowes, Bethel said he had to build some new meter pit tops for the wells after the others floated off during the last hard rain. Another received from Decker Construction was to repair a leak.
It was mentioned that the city’s secretary will be gone from the office for several days in January for medical reasons so the office will be closed during that time.
The post office denied the claim again on the testing machine claiming there was no damage to the machine. Bethel said he would appeal the denial one more time. Cameron Mutual denied the claim also because the insurance was taken out on a 2500 model and the city was trying to collect insurance on a 2700 model. In the meantime, Bethel purchased a new testing machine, a DR1900 model for $3,200.
Bethel said he met with FEMA this week and they approved his claims on the street projects. The city should receive around $9,224.
The control line that runs the wells shorted out in the box which has caused water in the tap to be pink but the problem is now fixed.
Bethel mentioned he was letting the cheerleaders use the city barn Monday afternoons to practice their cheers.