From Bad to Worse
Fellow Americans,
In my article, Lack of Leadership, I wrote about how Barack Obama is ruining America. In this article, I will sadly illustrate how things have gone from bad to worse regarding global security and how our government is lying to us about the Iranian nuclear “deal.”
First of all, let’s get the terminology right. Officially, this “deal” is known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). IT IS NOT A TREATY. Why not? Because, as Secretary of State John “Muppet” Kerry explained in a March 11, 2015 article in the Wall Street Journal, “We’ve been clear from the beginning: We’re not negotiating a, quote, legally binding plan.” Referring to Congress, Kerry further added, “They don’t have the right to modify an agreement reached, executive to executive, between countries—between leaders of a country.” What Kerry meant was that Obama didn’t WANT Congress involved in the process! If this “deal” was actually a treaty, the Senate could have taken it up and had a full debate involving the entire nation. Ratification of a treaty requires a two-thirds majority vote, whereas this “deal” only requires a one-third vote to pass! This end-run around Congress is not surprising when you recall Obama’s speech in 2011 when he said, “We can't wait for Congress to do its job, so where they won't act, I will.”
The following are examples of how America loses on this “deal":
- Iran will continue to enrich uranium and build intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of striking Israel and the USA
- Sanctions on Iran will be lifted allowing billions of dollars in aid to flow into Iran and into the hands of the terror groups they promote
- Americans will not be part of the IAEA inspection teams, which will be denied “anytime, anywhere” inspections! (not to worry because Iran is so trustworthy, right?)
- Iran will purchase nuclear components from China and Russia
- This will start a Middle-East nuclear arms race, as other regional countries will feel the need to match Iran’s nuclear capability
- The Iranian leadership will be emboldened by this victory over the “Great Satan”
- Iran is not required to release the four American hostages!
Please, learn the truth for yourself, teach others, and pray for our leaders and our country. May God bless you and the United States of America!
Dan Landi
Kidder, MO