Cold-Blooded Murder
Fellow Americans,
Cold-blooded murder. That’s what abortion is, plain and simple. I have been silent for too long regarding abortion. Sadly, so have most Americans. Each baby’s unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is violated when the baby is murdered in the womb. The following is a brief history of the origin and purpose of America’s tax-funded murder factory called Planned Parenthood.
Margaret Sanger was an American birth control activist who opened the first birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York in 1916. She established the American Birth Control League in 1921, which evolved into the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942. Here are some quotes attributed to her:
- “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."
- "Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race."
- "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”
- "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated."
- “Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need ... We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock."
- "Eugenics is the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems.”
- “The undeniably feeble-minded should, indeed, not only be discouraged but prevented from propagating their kind."
Margaret Sanger and her group of social elites believed they should control the size, sex, race, and intelligence of the general population. If you were poor, retarded, disabled, diseased, or a racial minority, you were forced to live in labor camps, sterilized, or murdered! That sounds eerily similar to Adolph Hitler to me! Here are the 2014 Planned Parenthood stats:
- Over 327,653 babies murdered
- 37 murders per hour
- 1 murder every 90 seconds
- Received $528 million from taxpayers, which comprised 41% of their budget
- Some funding is generated from the sale of murdered babies’ tissue and body parts
- 392 murders for 1 adoption
Since the Supreme Court ruled abortion is legal, it must be okay, right? WRONG! Murder is immoral and God will hold us accountable in the end. We must do all we can to expose and stop this heinous activity. Go to and to learn more. May God Bless you and the United States of America!
Dan Landi
Kidder, MO