Love Notes by Dr. Ted Rights
As a born again, Bible believing Christian, I find the choices offered for president to be troubling indeed. My guiding principal for voting is that Jesus is Lord. He tells me I should create a compassionate society, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, protect the defenseless, welcome the stranger, and glorify God in everything that we do.
Hatred of any kind is ugly.
We should honor the pagan, love the heretic, do good to our neighbor, seek peace and justice, reach out to the lost.
Hillary may be the best of a bad bunch, but I think Bernie is right. She is compromised by her ties to big money and won’t have the ability to reform the system from within. Bernie is right, we need Medicare for everybody and tuition for college students, but he is too old and too far left to pull it off.
Trump has no moral compass. His God is money and he plays to our selfishness. Rubio is too young and Cruz is no better. The most attractive candidate to me is Ohio Governor Kasich (rhymes with basic), who at least has the experience of balancing a budget and trying to take care of all the people in his state, not just the rich and powerful.
As a lifelong Democrat, I would have a hard time voting for Republican Governor Kasich, but he seems the most compassionate of the lot.
What do you think?
Dr. Ted Rights