The Truth Hurts

Fellow Americans,
For over two years, I have been writing letters to the editors of several area newspapers, expressing my opinion about issues that affect our country and our civil rights. For the most part, these articles have been well-received. Recently, however, the nice folks at the Citizen-Observer have declined to print them. I know they don’t have to print them, but I couldn’t help but wonder why they didn’t. I called the Citizen-Observer and was told my articles were too inflammatory and I should stop name-calling because some readers were offended!
Initially I was puzzled because my articles contain no foul language and are not overly sarcastic. And then it hit me: the truth hurts. Some people can’t stand to see a bunch of skeletons about to bust out of Barack’s and Hillary’s closets! Obama, Clinton, and all their henchmen did their best to destroy America and our Constitution! For the benefit of those who don’t follow national politics or just don’t believe these people are despicable traitors, let’s recap.
· Hideous Hillary, as Secretary of State, ILLEGALLY used a private email server to transmit Top Secret intelligence information! When caught, she denied it and then DELETED thousands of emails which she was ordered by Congress to produce! Then, to ensure no information could be extracted, she literally SMASHED government cell phones and computers!
· Emperor Obama knew of Hideous’ ILLEGAL private email server because he used an alias to communicate with her on that server!
· King Obama’s Department of Injustice turned a blind eye to Hideous’ CRIMINAL activity and absolved her completely!
· Hideous Hillary ILLEGALLY rigged the primary election against Crazy Bernie Sanders in 2016, ensuring she was the Democratic presidential nominee!
· Hideous was supposed to win the election. THANK GOD SHE DIDN’T!
· Chairman Obama unleashed the FBI and ILLEGALLY spied on Trump, manufacturing a false “collusion” case to be used to oust him from office!
The damage these miscreants have done to our national security is immeasurable. They are in full cover-up mode with the help of the complicit mainstream media and Democrat Party. Since the Citizen-Observer probably won’t print this letter, I encourage everyone in the area to read it in the Caldwell County News!
Please pray for justice to be served and for God to heal our nation! May God bless you and the United States of America!
Dan Landi
Kidder, MO