Braymer C4 Board met Sept. 14
The Braymer C4 School District held its regular monthly meeting on September 14, 2015, in Room 207 of the High School. President Larry Shoe and Board Secretary Vickie Davidson were present. Board members also present included Charles Bills, Jenny Bonham, Rachel Hunt and Kristi Moore. Also present was Superintendent Don Regan.
Larry Shoe called the regular board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Under New Business, the Board reviewed administrative reports. The Board discussed the new Math textbook series and suggested that a parent night be held to help parents understand how to help their children in Math. During the superintendent’s report, the Board discussed various facility improvements.
A motion was passed to let bids for snow removal during the coming winter. A vote of 6 was taken.
A motion was passed for a district auditor. A vote of 6 was taken.
A motion was made to set the next meeting on October 12, 2015.
A motion was made to go into closed session.