Front row: (L-R) Shelby Davies, Jake Henry, Paityn Hall Middle row: Bowen Bryers, Jonathan Feil, Cisco Clariday, Dustin Davies, Katie Basham, Calvin Basham, Jake Gladieux, Tyler Fitzwater Back row: Tanner O’Dell, Keaton O’Dell, Andrew McIntosh, Sam Jordan, Ben Holland, Levi Kincaid, Hunter Heussner, Jacob Olson, Clay McAtee First Row (Left to Right): Kala O’Dell, Paityn Hall, Dallas Hall, Kennedy Stone, Lillian Smith, Katie Basham. Second Row: Bowen Bryers, Jake Henry, Tyler Fitzwater, Jonathan Feil, Ben Holland, Kenny Crumpton.

Braymer FFA holds first meeting of the year

On September 7, the Braymer FFA held their first meeting of the year. It consisted of the opening ceremony, playing Slip-N-Slide kickball, and ending with closing ceremony. There were 20 member present at the meeting. The Braymer FFA will be holding monthly meetings. The next meeting will be held Saturday, October 15. They will be making a trip to Worlds of Fun for Boo Fest. (Pic 1)

On Wednesday, October 11, 13 Braymer FFA Members received their Greenhand Degree. In order to receive their degree, members must enroll in an agricultural education program and have satisfactory plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience. They also must learn and explain the FFA Creed, FFA Mission and Motto, and FFA salute. (Pic 2) 

The Caldwell County News

101 W. Bird 
P.O. Box 218
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone 816-973-3098 (Call or text) 

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