New York School News
Upcoming Event
Apr. 5- Field Trip to Jeff City 6:00
April 12th-BOE meeting 7:00
April 13- 5-8 spinal screening-TBA
April 25-29-MAP testing
May 6- Track Meeting- TBA
May 9- Field Trip to Hannibal-TBA
May 10- BOE- 7:00
May 11-Track Rain Date
May 12- Graduation-TBA
May 13- Early Dismissal 12:30; last day of school
Positive Actions=Wonderful Students
“PAW”sitive students are students that have been caught doing something positive in the building for others without being asked.
This week we “caught: Jeffery (3x), Alayna, Wren, Dakota, Mikayla, Sam (2x), Brittani (2x)
The P.A.W.S. coupon drawn from the Principal’s box today was: Mikayla