A happier life is an active life. Doing nothing does not generate much in the realm of feeling good about yourself and is detrimental to your health.
A friend of mine reflected on his career and often six day work weeks and said, "Those were the happiest days of my life." I know of people who...
Fellow Americans,
Sunday, September 17, 2017 passed without much notice, except for some football games and an occasional newsflash about civil unrest in St Louis. Although sporting events are a pleasant distraction from the problems of the day, I could not refrain from reflecting on our...
Fellow Americans,
Welcome to the battlefield; an unorthodox arena where unlikely allies wage war against their enemies. Welcome to the place where flashpoints lurk behind every corner. Welcome to the 24/7 coverage of violent protests gleefully publicized by every news outlet around. Welcome to the...
Fellow Americans,
Welcome to the battlefield; an unorthodox arena where unlikely allies wage war against their enemies. Welcome to the place where flashpoints lurk behind every corner. Welcome to the 24/7 coverage of violent protests gleefully publicized by every news outlet around. Welcome to the...
Citizens across Missouri are celebrating today in the wake of the Public Service Commission’s (PSC) denial of Grain Belt Express’s (GBE) application to build a high-voltage transmission line across the state. The application, GBE’s third, was unanimously denied at a PSC meeting this morning. The...
Fellow Americans,
How much longer will this fishing expedition continue? Since Donald Trump was elected president, his opponents on both sides have been desperately trying to bring him down, by hook or by crook. Trump’s enemies in the Department of Justice have employed every dirty trick they know...
Fellow Americans,
As another Independence Day came and went, I found myself once again reflecting on our freedom. I saw people working in their yards and wondered if they knew how blessed they were to have yards. I saw people working at all kinds of different jobs and wondered if they knew how...
Fellow Americans,
On the morning of June 14, 2017, a crazy man opened fire on Republican lawmakers, staffers, and their families at a baseball field in Virginia near the capitol complex. Several were shot, some critically. It was reported the gunman fired dozens of rounds within several minutes,...
Fellow Americans,
I am writing this article with the hope of bringing much needed attention to a national security issue. No, I’m not referring to the president or “collusion”, but rather to a small group of anti-American computer hackers who were allowed to steal secret information to compromise...
My first airplane ride at age 15 was when my mother flew me and my best friend to New York City. We lived in Boston, so that was about like flying from Kansas City to St. Louis—you’re barely up in the air long enough to feel air sick. A few years later I became a regular on the Boston to St. Louis...